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Back in the day you got your family in the car after work on payday and headed to the nearest McDonald’s for a treat. Or maybe you were visited by the Swanson man for your dinner. Or perhaps the only time you got ice cream was from the creepy-toned ice cream truck rolling around the neighbourhood. Your mother got wind of new Kool-aid flavours from women’s mags and the town busybody. Then came television and suddenly, there was food everywhere and we all knew about it and we all wanted it. Advertising moguls used every trick in the book to create ads that tugged at the heart strings and the purse strings. Here are some awesome, unforgettable ads that got you to eat more than you should.

Annette Funicello Skippy Peanut Butter ad courtesy tracy80sgirl

KoolAid Man courtesy Jen Wolford

Mr. T cereal courtesy MrClassicAds1980s

Pac-Man Pasta courtesy panbiscuit

Rainbow Brite Cereal, Captain Crunch, Cookie Crisp, Crispy Critters, Dino Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles, Marshmallow Krispies, Sugar Smacks courtesy metaknightkid

Dr. Pepper I’m a Pepper courtesy BlancotronCC

Jello Pudding Pops w/ Bill Cosby courtesy Chuck D

Coco Wheats ugly cereal courtesy Denny Fuller

All the World loves M&M’s courtesy William Lutz

KFC w/ Candace Cameron courtesy tracy80sgirl

Cinnamon Toast Crunch courtesy Retrotreasures

Yummy Mummy Cereal courtesy CountChoculatte

Boo Berry / Count Chocula cereals courtesy jurgostuff

Coco-Wheats courtesy LoThePuppy

Ready Brek Cereal courtesy 80sNostalgiaDotCom

Weetabix courtesy SecretSuetSlinger