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Fun in the 80s

Did you crowd around the tv to watch Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous with your family or hang out with your older sibs at the game arcade? See if you remember doing any of these activities for fun before the internet was born.


Roller rinks
Ice Capades
Lighting and decorating the community Christmas tree
Holiday programmes at the local civic centre
Riding bikes
Baseball in the summer
Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Kim Scouts
Listening to radio shows
Growing summer gardens
Getting a soda at the corner store
Renting a VHS tape to watch with the family
Summer picnics, family reunions
Going to Chuck E Cheese
Vacationing at Sea World, Disney World, Marineland, Disneyland, Colonial Williamsburg
Birthday parties at McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King, insert fast food chain here!
Playing horsehoes
Playing darts
Playing pool in a game room
Flying kites
Flying balsa wood planes
Putting together puzzles with your family
Board game tournaments
Hanging out at the library
Sports at the local YMCA
Pool parties
Swimming at a local dam
Playing Atari / Coleco/ Nintendo/ Sinclair with your pals after school
Playing D&D
Making a clubhouse
Sleeping in a treehouse with your buds
Tupperware parties
Walking in the woods
Writing/ typing letters
Working on a ham radio set