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School Yard Stuff

Remember playing MASH during Science Class and passing around the cootie catcher? Heres a list of schoolyard stuff we did in the 80s.

Playing Red Rover
Playing Hide n Seek
Playing on asphault and at least one kid breaking their head open every year on it
Burning our rear ends on the metal slide
The Presidents Physical Fitness Challenge (I always failed running)
Chalk Graffiti
Blowing Bubbles
Picking gum off the desks
Scratching pictures in the school desks with unwound paper clips
Doing cartwheels at recess
Playing One Two, Buckle my Shoe
Jumping Rope= individually and with a group
Playing ‘House under the monkey bars
Having Boys vs. Girls ‘club’ meetings under the curly slide
Walking up the curly slide and sliding back down
Sitting in the middle of the roundabout with your head thrown back to get dizzy
Leaping off the roundabout at it’s fastest to try and break your leg so you didn’t have to go to school
Ditto falling off the top of the curly slide
Ditto purposely flying off the swings
Playing with Pinwheels
Playing MASH
Passing around notes
Making cootie catchers out of homework papers
Saying the pledge of Allegience
Show n Tell
Parents’ Night
Using a ‘blackboard’
Typing class with actual typewriters
Breakdancing contests
Playing hopscotch
Checking on the Elf on the Shelf
Staging plays in the gymnasium
Getting classmates to sign our autograph books
Sticking stickers all over Trapper Keepers
The yearly end-of-school carnival
Showing off our new digital watches
Really believing we were better than the kid next to us based on what was printed on our milk cartons
Disaster Drills
Playing 7up
Making ‘copies’ of mimeograph sheets by pressing them onto clean sheets under our school books
Not bringing home a bookbag- or any books for that matter
Watching ABC Afterschool specials – after school of course
Going to an afterschool programme or daycare til mom and dad got home
Taking penmanship class and practising cursive
The Scholastic Book Fair