In 1983 the Care Bears danced their way into our hearts and arms through television and cuddly toys still being made and re-envisioned today. The bears were introduced by artist Elena Kucharik in 1981 for a greeting card line for the “Those Characters from Cleveland” division of American Greetings (which also produced Strawberry Shortcake, the Get-Along Gang, Herself the Elf, Lady Lovely Locks, Madballs, My Pet Monster, Holly Hobby, and the Popples). They sprang to life on TV first under DiC and later Nelvana and were manufactured in the U.S. as toys by Kenner, books by Parker Brothers and comics by Marvel Star. Amongst various sizes of plush toys and a plethora of other merchandise the Bears and their Cousins were also poseable and collectible figures released as well as Butterick patterns to make your own pillow- type bears, which were popular with children’s cartoon characters at the time. The Care Bears kept on going through movies and recordings through Kid Stuff Records.
Kenner re-launched the bears in 1991 with Random House issuing companion books then sold to Play Along Toys in 2002 for another relaunch. American Greetings followed suit in 2005 with 20th anniversary toys and movies. During these years there were several changes to the characters and in 2007 for the 25th anniversary relaunch new bears were added to the lineup and a new tv series followed. The new tv series was changed significantly from the 80s incarnation and shortly thereafter in 2008 American Greetings tried selling the rights to the Bears but pulled out when a legal battle with the proposed buyer ensued. The toy rights changed hands from Play Along to Hasbro in 2009 with new toys following in 2013. Hasbro lost toy rights in 2014 to Just Play and eventually Basic Fun began producing Care Bears toys. 2023 celebrated the 40th anniversary of Care Bears with an explosion of merchandise in both the classic style and in new brand collaborations.
The idea around the Care Bears goes like this: a tribe of rainbow-hued bears live in the clouds in a kingdom called Care-a-Lot (they have animal cousins who live on earth in the Forest of Feelings). The job of these bears is to make sure the world cares and they monitor the caring around the globe on their Caring Meter in Care-A-Lot’s town square. When the Meter dips it alerts them that people are letting darkness creep into their hearts as they give themselves over to selfishness, greed and unkindness. To help fight this, each bear is able to enact the “care bear stare” which is concentrating the power of their unique tummy symbol into a powerful ray of light that can infuse its target with love and caring. Just like the Care Bears are always trying to bring love and caring into the world, their enemies are tirelessly working to bring the opposite about. Their Cousins on earth also have tummy symbols but enact the “Cousins call” which is combining their respective anim
A character powerhouse for American Greetings, Care Bears are still considered one of the greatest merchandising lines to come out of the 80s with an estimated $2 billion in toy and merchandise sales during that decade. On this page we are only going to focus on plush and playset/ figures as the list is nearly endless! *Some toys have multiple photos so make sure to click through their galleries.
All have a forelock, tummy symbol and a heart “tush tag”
Tenderheart Bear
Cheer Bear
*Wish Bear (there is a humongous Wish Bear in existence that I imagine was part of a store display which I saw in a museum exhibit but am unsure what year this is from)
Bedtime Bear
Birthday Bear
Cheer Bear
Good Luck Bear
Love-A-Lot Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Wish Bear
13″ “Standard Sized”- this was the most common size of bear
Bedtime Bear (in both turqoise and blue versions)
Birthday Bear
Cheer Bear – also was issued in a satin version which resembled a Fisher Price Puffalump doll
Friend Bear
Funshine Bear
Good Luck Bear w/ winking eye
Grumpy Bear
Love-A-Lot Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Wish Bear (in both blue and mint-green versions)
Grams Bear (14″) w/ pink shawl
Baby Hugs Bear w/ cloth diaper
Baby Tugs Bear w/ cloth diaper
Champ Bear
Share Bear
Secret Bear**
**Secret Bear said the following phrases when his string was pulled:
“I’m Secret Bear.”
“I promise I won’t tell.”
“Who’s your favourite Care Bear?”
“Do you have a secret?”
“You can tell me anything.”
“You’re my secret friend.”
Care Bear Wear (for 13″ bears)
Cake-Bakin Clothes
Playful Romper
Rainy Day Slicker
Sweet Dreamers Nightshirt and Hat
Sailor-Made Suit and Hat
Sunny Swimwear and Glasses
My First Care Bear -Attached to the crib and had “sensory” paws for baby to feel
Blue Bear w/heart mirror tummy
Pink Bear w/heart mirror tummy
12″Care Bear Cubs
(had molded, velour-covered faces and plush bodies with forelocks and heart tush tag)
Bedtime Bear Cub w/paci and booties
Cheer Bear Cub w/paci and jacket
Funshine Bear Cub w/paci and booties
Share Bear Cub w/paci and bonnet
6″ Mini Care Bears
Grumpy Bear
Good Luck Bear
Funshine Bear
Champ Bear
Share Bear
Cheer Bear
Friend Bear
Birthday Bear
Love-A-Lot Bear
Bedtime bear
Wish Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Known Factory Error Bears (Maverick Bears)
Birthday Bear w/Love-a-Lot’s tummy
Brown Birthday Bear w/Tenderheart’s tummy
Birthday Bear w/ sun and leaf symbol
Wish (?) Bear w/ purple Tenderheart symbol
Tenderheart w/large mouse-like ears
Blue Cheer Bear
Birthday Bear w/grey kitten symbol
Bedtime (?) Bear w/blue outlined Tenderheart symbol variant
Birthday Bear w/ alternate colour tummy symbol
Pink Bear w/ blank tummy
Turquoise Bear w/ single pink rose symbol
Birthday Bear w/Tenderheart’s tummy
Friend Bear w/ incorrect eres and eyebrows
Brown Birthday Bear w/peach nose, no forelock?
Black Bear w/black nose and no tummy symbol, blank tush heart
Cheer Bear w/ small tummy and moon/star symbol
Funshine variant w/ blank sun symbol
Secret (?) Bear w/ Tenderheart tummy
Funshine (?) Bear w/anime character tummgy
Friend Bear w/blank tummy
Birthday Bear w/ no tongue
Pink Bear w/ freckles and blank tummy
Lighter Pink Bear w/blank tummy
Pink Bear w/blank tush heart
Wish Bear turquoise w/ one eye upside down
Good Luck Bear w/smile and eyebrows in blue thread
Blue Wish (?) Bear w/Tenderheart tummy
Cheer Bear w/ Friend Bear tummy
Tenderheart w/Bedtime Bear tummy
Tenderheart w/ “abstract” tummy badge
Bedtme Bear w/ Tenderheart tummy
Share Bear w/upside down tummy symbol
Tenderheart Bear w/Funshine symbol
Funshine w/Brave Heart Lion tummy
Cheer Bear w/Swift Heart Rabbit tummy
Friend Bear w/Love-a-Lot tummy
Wish Bear w/wrong eyes
Champ Bear w/ Cheer Bear’s mouth
Turquoise Bear w/ green Tenderheart tummy
Birthday Bear w/ “I Love You” heart tummy
Brown Champ Bear w/ Birthday Bear’s tummy
Brown Champ Bear w/Birthday Bear’s tummy and blue eyes
Love-a-Lot Bear w/light pink nose and no hearts on feet
Birthday Bear w/ Cheer Bear’s tummy
Wish Bear w/Cheer Bear’s mouth
Cheer Bear w/ Grumpy Bear’s tummy
Brown Birthday Bear w/Cheer Bear’s mouth
Sea Friend Bear w/ enourmous head packaged as “Ocean Friend Bear”
Wish Bear w/upside down tummy
Funshine w/ Cheer Bear tummy
Yellow Bear w/ blank tummy and blank tush heart
Bedtime Bear w./huge dark eyelids
Known Prototypes
18″ Wish (?) Bear w/Tender heart tummy and yellow nose
18″ Bedtime Bear
18″ Birthday Bear w/no eyes and nose
13″ Purple Harmony Bear w/3 heart design
13″ Bedtime Bear w/only 1 eyelid
13″ Yellow Share Bear
13″ Baby Tugs Bear w/ no symbol, white forelock
13″ baby Tugs Bear w/no eyes or nose
13″ Funshine Bear w/ white eyes
6″ Wish Bear w/open stitched mouth
Bedtime Bear Care Bear Cub w/extra large eyes
Tenderheart hand puppet
First Care Bears prototype clay mold cast to use for plush by Jesse Horowitz
Lotsa Heart Elephant
Swift Heart Rabbit
Bright Heart Raccoon
Brave Heart Lion
Gentle Heart Lamb
Cozy Heart Penguin
11″ Cubs
L’il Proud Heart Cat Cub w/bottle and bonnet
L’il Swift Heart Rabbit Cub w/bottle and booties
L’il Bright Heart Raccoon Cub w/bottle and booties
Known Factory Errors
Cozy Heart Penguin w/Cheer Bear’s tummy
Cozy Heart Penguin w/Cheer Bear’s tummy and brown body
Gentle Heart Lamb w/ Cozy Heart Penguin’s tummy
Gentle Heart Lamb with brown eyes/nose and Cozy Heart Penguin’s tummy
Bright Heart Raccoon w/Funshine bear’s tummy
Wierd-looking Brave Heart Lion w/Good Luck Bear’s tummy
Brave Heart Lion w/Cozy Heart Penguin’s tummy
Lotsa Heart Elephant w/Cheer Bear’s tummy
Swift Heart Rabbit w/Tenderheart’s tummy
Gentle Heart Lamb w/pink nose and no quilting on tummy symbol
Black Cozy Heart Penguin w/Cheer Bear tummy
Swift Heart Raccoon w/Friend Bear tummy
Proud Heart Cat w/upside down tummy
Known Protoypyes
18″ Bright Heart Raccoon
18″ Bright Heart Raccon w/ no nose, purple tongue
18″ Brave Heart Lion
18″ Brave Heart Lion w/white mane and tail, blank tummy, white eyes and nose
18″ Lotsa Heart Elephant
18″ Swift Heart Rabbit
13″ Treat Heart Pig
13″ Blue Treat Heart Pig w/ blank tummy
13″ Treat Heart Pig w/dark tongue
13″ Pink Treat Heart Pig w/no eyes, orange nose and Bedtime Bear’s tummy
13″ Cozy Heart Penguin
13″ Lavender Cozy Heart Penguin w/incorrect eyes, yellow tongue, blue nose (instead of beak)
13″ Gentle Heart Lamb w/ white eyes, purple nose, Good Luck Bear’s tummy
13″ Yellow Loyal Heart Dog w/Tenderheart’s tummy, white eyes, orange nose
13″ Bright Heart Raccoon w/ white eyes, brown forelock, blue nose and tongue
13″ Brown “koala bear” w/ blank tummy
13″ Blue Proud Heart Cat w/pink eyelashes, blue nose, blank tummy
13″ Swift Heart Rabbit w/ different shade of blue head than body, blank tummy
13″ Lotsa Heart Elephant w/blank tummy
13″ Brown Brave Heart Lion w/pink forelock, pink nose, incorrect eyes and blank tummy
13″ Brave Heart Lion w/pink mane
13″ Brown Brave Heart Lion w/red nose, tummy blank except for the word “Tom”
Special Issues
Prize Bear – 18″ Runner up prize to a contest in 1985 with Women’s Day Magazine for children to write an essay on “How you show that you care.” Tummy symbol featured Tenderheart and Brave Heart lion holding a shield. There were prize bears made with either Cheer Bear, Tenderheart or Bedtime Bear’s bodies, 7 known to exist at time of writing.
Tenderheart Bear
Cheer Bear
Wish Bear
Love-a-Lot Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Cheer Bear
Bedtime Bear
Birthday Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Cheer Bear
Bedtime Bear
Birthday Bear
Friend Bear
Funshine Bear
Good Luck Bear
Champ Bear
Love-a-Lot Bear
Grumpy Bear
Share Bear
Secret Bear (UK exclusive non-talking version)
Wish Bear Grams Bear
Baby Hugs
Baby Tugs
Daydream Bear (UK exclusive)
Harmony Bear (UK exclusive- musical notes design)
I Love You Bear (UK exclusive)
Forest Friend Bear (UK exclusive)
Sea Friend Bear (UK exclusive)
Surprise Bear (UK exclusive)
Trueheart Bear (UK exclusive)
6″ Mini Bears
Share Bear
Bedtime Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Cheer Bear
Grumpy Bear
Love-a-Lot Bear
Funshine Bear
Friend Bear
Good Luck Bear
Wish Bear
Birthday Bear
Champ Bear
Daydream Bear (UK exclusive, balloons rightside-up and rightside-down variants)
Forest Friend Bear (UK exclusive)
Sea Friend Bear (UK exclusive)
Surprise Bear (UK exclusive)
Harmony Bear (UK exclusive-musical notes design)
Trueheart Bear (UK exclusive)
13″ Care Bear Cousins
Brave Heart Lion
Gentle Heart Lamb
Bright Heart Raccoon
Cozy Heart Penguin
Lotsa Heart Elephant
Swift Heart Rabbit
Loyal Heart Dog (UK exclusive)
Playful Heart Monkey (UK exclusive)
Noble Heart Horse (UK exclusive)
Proud Heart Cat (UK exclusive)
Treat Heart Pig (UK exclusive)
Known Prototypes
Harmony Bear (UK exclusive- 3-hearts tummy design)
Take Care Bear (cream and teal variants)
Treat Heart Pig (UK exclusive)
Loyal Heart Dog (UK exclusive)
Known Factory Errors
I Love You Bear
-Pink body, red embroider heart
-Yellow body, red felt heart
-Yellow body, red embroidery heart
-Yellow body, plastic red heart
(Bears had brighter fur, smaller, more rounded faces with large tufts of hair and bigger eyes, coloured paw hearts and redesigned tummy symbols)
Bedtime Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Tree Planting Bear
4th of July Bear / Proud Heart Bear
Love-a-Lot Bear
Cheer Bear
Share Bear
Precious Heart Bear (unproduced) (from 1992 Kenner Toy Fair catalogue. Had a star key attached to the paw that opened her tummy symbol to reveal a space inside to keep treasures and a mirror that reflected the most important person to Precious Heart- you!)
Harmony Bear (unproduced)
Funshine Bear (unproduced)
Proud Heart
Proud Heart 13″, 36″
(produced for Shopko)
Tenderheart Bear
Bedtime Bear
Cheer Bear
Cheer Bear
Bedtime Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Share Bear
Good Luck Bear
Friend Bear

26″ Bears
Cheer Bear
Champ Bear
Tenderheart Bear (brown and orange versions)
Birthday Bear (orange and yellow versions)
Bedtime Bear
America Cares Bear
Funshine Bear
Friend Bear
Love-A-Lot Bear
Grumpy Bear
Wish Bear
Good Luck Bear
Share Bear
16″ Bears
Bedtime Bear
Champ Bear
Birthday Bear
Birthday Bear (UK exclusive, yellow body)
Cheer Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Daydream Bear
True Heart Bear
Wish Bear
Grumpy Bear
Good Luck Bear
Friend Bear
Funshine Bear
Friend Bear
Love-a-Lot Bear
Secret Bear
Harmony Bear
Easter Cheer Bear
Easter Funshine Bear
Easter Wish Bear
Valentine’s Love-A-Lot Bear
Valentine’s Tenderheart Bear
13″ Bears (sold both boxed and loose)
Cheer Bear
Tenderheart Bear (brown and orange versions)
Grumpy Bear
Love-a-Lot Bear
Love-a-Lot Bear (holding pillow version)
Friend Bear
Funshine Bear
Share Bear
Good Luck Bear
Secret Bear
Champ Bear
Wish Bear
Bedtime Bear
Perfect Panda
Polite Panda
Birthday (yellow and orange versions)
Harmony Bear
Surprise Bear
Grams Bear
Baby Hugs Bear
Baby Tugs Bear
True Heart Bear
Christmas Bedtime Bear
Christmas Cheer Bear
Christmas Secret Bear
Christmas Funshine Bear
Christmas Good Luck Bear
Christmas Harmony Bear
Christmas Tenderheart Bear
Chrstmas True Heart Bear
Sing-a-Long Love-A-Lot Bear
Sing-a-Long Wish Bear
Sing-a-Long Friend Bear
Sing-a-Long Share Bear
13″ Cousins
Bright Heart Raccoon
Cozy Heart Penguin
Lotsa Heart Elephant
Brave Heart Lion
Loyal Heart Dog
Playful Heart Monkey
10″ Bears (sold both boxed and loose)
Birthday Bear
Grumpy Bear
True Heart Bear
Bedtime Bear
America Cares Bear (white and red outline foot versions)
Cheer Bear
Champ Bear
Daydream Bear
Friend Bear
Tenderheart Bear (brown and orange versions)
Funshine Bear
Harmony Bear
Secret Bear
Share Bear
Wish Bear
Baby Bedtime Bear
Baby Wish Bear
Baby Share Bear
Baby Cheer Bear
(White fur bears with gold or silver accents, sterling nose and tush heart and Swarovski crystal eyes. Bears were boxed with or without a dvd episode of The Care Bears in the Land Without Feelings original first TV special the bears appeared in that was never aired afterwards or The Care Bears Battle the Freeze Machine.)
Tenderheart Bear (white or gold “heart of gold” editions, incl DVDs)
Love-A-Lot Bear (pink edition, incl DVD)
Cheer Bear (pink edition)
Funshine Bear (yellow edition)
Share Bear (purple edition, new tummy symbol)
Bedtime Bear (blue edition)
Target Exclusive Collector’s Editions 12″ boxed
Share Bear (original tummy symbol)
Cheer Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Funshine Bear
Limited Edition 35th Anniversary of Caring
(With glittery fur; created for the 35th anniversary celebration. Came boxed with certificate of authenticity and contest offer for kids to create a brand new Care Bear.)
Rainbow Heart Bear
1983 Release (no accessories)
Tenderheart Bear
Cheer Bear
Grumpy Bear
Good Luck Bear
Wish Bear
Birthday Bear
Bedtime Bear
Love-A-Lot Bear
Friend Bear
Share Bear
Champ Bear
Grams Bear
Baby Tugs Bear
Baby Hugs Bear
1984 Release (with accessories)
Tenderheart Bear w/ caring heart mirror
Cheer Bear w/ merry megaphone
Friend Bear w/ friendly sprinkler
Share Bear w/ sharing soda
Wish Bear w/star-a-scope
Love-a-Lot Bear w/ flower bouquet
Grumpy Bear w/ umbrella
Good Luck Bear w/ happy-go-lucky shovel
Bedtime Bear w/ snooze alarm
Funshine Bear w/ butterfly net
Champ Bear w/ loving cup
Birthday Bear w/ birthday banner
Grams Bear w/flower basket
Baby Tugs Bear w/shovel and pail
Baby Hugs Bear w/ lollipop
Cloud Keeper w/broom
Professor Cold Heart w/frozen meanie mug
1985 Cousin Pose-ables w/Accessories
Brave Heart Lion w/ heart shield
Bright Heart Raccoon w/candle holder
Cozy Heart Penguin w/ n’ice skates
Gentle Heart Lamb w/sheep bell
Lotsa Heart Elephant w/ suitcase
(Promotion held in France. Pampers logo was stamped on the back of the rear or head of the figure. Mail Order only.)
Grams Bear
Baby Tugs Bear
Baby Hugs Bear
(Kenner was taken over by Tonka in 1986 which led to some unreleased characters, though a very few were made and are running around out there somewhere…)
Playful Heart Monkey w/merry music maker (unreleased, very limited production)
Proud Heart Cat w/true blue ribbon (unreleased, very limited production)
Treat Heart Pig w/sweet surprise (unreleased, very limited production)
Loyal Heart Dog w/waggin’ flag (unreleased, very limited production)
Hardcopy of (possible) Wish Bear (known to exist, no markings, resin mockup)
First Shot bear (known to exist, pink head/body, peach legs, yellow arms, no markings)
First Shot “cub” (known to exist, brown head/body, pink limbs. Cast in Wish Bear’s head mold in cub’s proportions)
(Sold as either loose figures or with a clip attached to the head /with a 12″ bear)
Bedtime Bear
Funshine Bear
Birthday Bear
Friend Bear
Good Luck Bear
Share Bear w/ new tummy symbol
Love-a-Lot Bear
Champ Bear (new blue version)
Wish Bear
Tenderheart Bear
Grumpy Bear
Cheer Bear
Harmony Bear
Do Your Best Bear
America Cares Bear
Laugh-a-Lot Bear
Care-a-Lot Playset: Shaped like a heart surrounded by clouds, the playset opened up to form a playground for the 3″ pose-able figures.
Cloud Car: a smiling, cloud shaped car big enough to hold a couple of the 3″ pose-able figures. Came with a shade umbrella and basket/blanket for a picnic.
Rainbow Roller: Cloud-shaped car one pose-able figure could ride with a rainbow handle that arched over.
Care Bears were sold in several international markets in both plush and poseable versions.
(Angelorso Bears used a similar mold to the Kenner bears but different heads. Their accessories were all of soft vinyl-like material in the same colours and their wings were small and molded to their backs. Angelorsos also came in small pvc figures of the 4 colour bears, merchandise and plush versions which also included a red bear, a black bear and a green rabbit.)
Blue Bear with Candle
Yellow Bear with Horn
Pink Bear with Pillow
Orange Bear with Ice Cream
We are ANGELBEARS, tender angels who live in a land of love, sweet dreams and cotton clouds, called STARRYLAND, where the rainbow begins and colors are born. The inhabitants of this country all have winged “A” on our tummy.We are white and have a cute pair of wings that help us to slide to earth on the rainbow tobogan from which we get our color.We travel to earth to be adopted by a child like you and sprinkle all his days with our color and joy. -*from packaging
(Angel Oso Bears were made in Kenner molds after Kenner stopped making Care Bears in 1991 and sold the molds to Fun City in Argentina. They had small foam wings on their backs which didn’t stay attached well.)
Deportistas (Sporty Bear)- made in Tenderheart and Bedtime Bear molds
Goloso (Sweet-Tooth Bear) – made in Birthday and Good Luck Bear molds
Dormilon (Sleepyhead Bear)- made in Bedtime and Tenderheart Bear molds
Bromista (Prankster Bear) – made in Tenderheart and Grumpy Bear molds
(Tenderheart pose-able in Kenner Birthday Bear mold with a plain green heart on the tummy and a number 3 on the back of the head. No forelock.)
(Kenner molds but these bears have either an entirely smooth head or a molded forelock- no hair. Some have faint tummy symbols, some no symbols at all. Manufactured by BASA for Kenner – BASA also produced Star Wars toys in Peru for Kenner.)
(3 bear versions made with heads from the TenderHeart Kenner mold. No markings, unnamed.)
Cherry Bear- blue w/ 2 red cherries on the yummy, blue forelock
Watermelon Bear- yellow bear w/slice of watermelon on the tummy, red forelock
Club Bear – orange beard w/blue suit of clubs symbol on tummy, orange forelock
Unsure if there were pose-ables- plush were produced by Estrella.

(The Care Bears were a great idea so some other companies just ran with it!)
1985 Wee Win Toys Galatian Bears
1983 Soma Love Pets
Purple Dog
Pink Bear
Green Bear
Red Monkey
Yellow Lion
Blue Hippo
Grey Elephant
Yellow Elephant
Pink Elephant
**Confused by how many million Care Bears there seem to be running around? Does it seem like there were like 4 when you were a kid and now you just can’t up? Then visit the Yello80s Care Bears Character page to catch up
*lots of information on this page comes from sources such as KingdomofCaring.net, Wishbear.net, PoseableParadise.com, Ghostofthedoll.co.uk – check em all out!