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Sailor Moon Attacks Outer Senshi

Sailor Pluto manga
This page includes information on the Outer Senshi scouts, Sailor Starlights, Sailor ChibiChibi, Sailor Quartet, Tuxedo Mask
** Denotes something which appeared in the manga but not the anime

For Attacks and transformations of the Inner Senshi click here.


Sailor Uranus – Miranda Castle, Uranus

Uranus Planet Power, make up! (w/ Lip Rod) Transforms into Sailor Uranus
Uranus Crystal Power, make up! (w/ Uranus Crystal) **

World Shaking
Space Sword Blaster
(w/Sword Talisman)
Space Turbulence **
Galactica Space Turbulence **

Special Items: Lip Rod, Sword Talisman, Uranus Crystal

Sailor Neptune – Triton Castle, Neptune

Neptune Planet Power, make up!
(w/ Lip rod) Transforms into Sailor Neptune
Neptune Crystal Power, make up! (w/Neptune Crystal) Transforms into Super Sailor Neptune **

Deep Submerge
Submarine Reflection
(w/ Deep Aqua Mirror)
Submarine Violon Tide (w/ violin)**
Galactica Violon Tide**

Special Items: Deep Aqua Mirror, Neptune Crystal, violin

Sailor Saturn – Titan Castle, Saturn

Saturn Crystal Power, make up! **

Silence Glaive surprise
Silence Wall
Death Reborn Revolution**
Galactica Glaive Surprise

Special Items: Silence Glaive

Sailor Pluto – Charon Castle, Pluto

Pluto Planet Power, make up! (w/Lip Rod) Transforms into Sailor Pluto
Pluto Crystal Power, make up! (w/ Pluto Crystal) Transforms into Super Sailor Pluto

Dead Scream
(w/Garnet Rod)
Time Stop
Chronos Typhoon
(w/ Garnet Orb)**
Garnet Ball (w/ Garnet Rod)**
Dark Dome Close (w/ Garnet Rod) **

Special Items: Garnet Rod, Lip Rod, Pluto Crystal

Sailor Chibi Chibi


Chibi Chibi Crystal Power, make up! Transforms into Sailor Chibi Chibi**

None, her presence increases Sailor Moon’s power

Sailor Star Maker

Maker Star Power, make up!
(w/Sailor Change Star) Transforms to Sailor Star Maker

Star Gentle Uterus

Special Items: Sailor Change Star

Sailor Star Healer

Healer Star Power, make up! (w/Sailor Change Star) Transforms into Sailor Star Healer

Star Sensitive Inferno

Special Items: Sailor Change Star

Sailor Star Fighter

Fighter Star Power, make up! (w/Sailor Change Star) Transforms into Sailor star Fighter

Star Serious Laser

Special Items: Sailor Change Star

Sailor Quartet (Asteroid Senshi)

Manga Sailor Amazon Team

Transformations: none
Attacks: none





Tuxedo Mask

without incantations

Rose attack
Cane attack
Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber
Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack
(w/ Sailor Chibi Moon)

Special Items: Cane, Roses, Mask, Golden Crystal

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