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Sailor Moon Attacks Inner Senshi

Sailor Moon DVD artThe Sailor Team used a number of attacks and transformations throughout the manga and television series’.  In the transformations each new item the Senshi used to transform with took them to a higher level of power in battle. In the manga they also had strongholds on the moons of their respective planets.

** Denotes an item/ incantation which was featured in the manga, not the anime.

For Attacks and Transformations of the Outer Senshi click here.



Sailor Moon  – 30th Century Crystal Palace, Moon

Moon Prism Power, make up! (w/ Moon Brooch) Transforms into Sailor Moon
Moon Power Ni Nare (w/ Transformation Pen) Disguises Sailor Moon
Moon Crystal Power,  make up!  (w/ Crystal Star) Transforms into Sailor Moon
Moon Cosmic Power, make up! (w/Cosmic Heart Compact)  Transforms into Sailor Moon
Crisis, make up! (w/ Holy Grail) Transforms into Super Sailor Moon
Moon Crisis, make up! (w/ Crisis Moon Compact & Sailor Chibi Moon) Transforms into Super Sailor Moon
Moon Eternal, make up!  (w/ Eternal Moon Brooch) Transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon
Silver Moon Crystal Power, make up! (w/Holy Moon Chalice) Transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon **

Super Sonic waves (w/ odango covers)
Moon Tiara Action (w/ Moon tiara)
Moon Tiara Stardust (w/ Moon Tiara)
Sailor Moon Kick
Moon Healing Escalation
(w/Moon Stick)
Moon Princess Halation (w/ Moon Cutie Rod)
Sailor Body Attack
Moon Spiral Heart Attack
(w/Spiral Moon Heart Rod)
Double Sailor Moon Kick (w/Sailor Chibi Moon)
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache (w/Spiral Moon Heart Rod)
Moon Gorgeous Meditation (w/Kaleidomoon Scope)
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss (w/Eternal Tiare)
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss (w/Moon Power Tiare)
Silver Moon Crystal Power Therapy Kiss (w/Eternal Tiare) **
Silver Moon Crystal Power (w/Moon Power Tiare)
Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power (w/ Silver Moon & Senshi Crystals) **
Moon Frisbee (w/Moon Tiare) **
Moon Twilight Flash (w/Moon Tiare) **

Special Items: Transformation pen, communicator watch, moon brooch, moon tiara, crystal star, cosmic heart compact, crisis moon compact, Holy Grail, holy moon chalice, eternal moon brooch, kaleidomoon scope, spiral moon heart rod, spiral moon heart rod, eternal tiare, moon power tiare, silver moon crystal, silver imperium crystal **, moon stick, cutie moon rod

Sailor Mercury – Mariner Castle, Mercury

Mercury Power, make up: (w/Transformation pen) Transforms into Sailor Mercury
Mercury Star Power, make up: (w/Star Power Stick) Transforms into Sailor Mercury
Mercury crystal Power, make up: (w/Crystal Change Rod) Transforms into Super Sailor Mercury

Sabao Spray (Shabon Spray)
Sabao Spray Freezing
Shine Aqua lllusion
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody
(w/ Watery Lyre)
Mercury Aqua Mirage **

Special Items: Communicator, transformation pens, hand-held computer, blue visrs

Sailor Mars – Phobos & Deimos Castle, Mars

Mars Power, make up! (w/ Transformation Pen) Transforms into /sailor Mars
Mars Star Power, make up! (w/ star Power stick) Transforms into Sailor Mars
Mars Crystal Power, make up! (w/Crystal Change Rod) Transforms into Super Sailor Mars
Mars Planet Power, make up! Transforms into Sailor Mars **

Akuryo Taisan (w/ ofuda)
Fire Soul
Fire Soul Bird
Burning Mandala
Burning Mandala
Mars Flame Sniper

Special Items: Transformation pen, Star Power stick, Crystal Change rod, Ofuda

Sailor Jupiter – Io Castle, Jupiter

Jupiter Power, make up! (w/ Transformation Pen) Transforms into Sailor Jupiter
Jupiter Star Power, make up! (w/ Star Power stick) Transforms into Sailor Jupiter
Jupiter Crystal Power, make up! (w/ Crystal Change rod) Transforms into Super Sailor Jupiter
Jupiter Planet Power, make up! Transforms into Super Sailor Jupiter **

Supreme Thunder
(w/ tiara)
Supreme Thunder dragon
Sparkling Wide Pressure
Super Supreme Thunder
Jupiter Oak Evolution
Flower Hurricane
Jupiter Thunderboil **
Jupiter Coconut Cyclone**

Special Items:
Crystal Change rod, Transformation Pen, Star Power stick, Tiara

Sailor Venus – Magellan Castle, Venus

Venus power, make up! (w/ transformation pen) Transforms to Sailor Venus
Venus Star Power, make up! (w/ Star Power stick) Transforms into Sailor Venus
Venus Crystal Power, make up! (w/ Crystal Change rod) Transforms into Super Sailor Venus
Venus Planet Power, make up! Transforms into Super Sailor Venus **
Venus Crystal Power, make up! (w/ Venus Crystal) Transforms into Super Sailor Venus**

Crescent Beam
Crescent Beam Shower
Venus Love-Me Chain
Sailor Kick
Hissatsu Love-Me Chain
Furious Random Crescent Beam shots
Venus Love and Beauty Shock

Crescent Boomerang **
Sailor V Kick **
Rolling Heart Vibration **
Venus Wink Chain Sword **
Venus Love and Galactica Shock **
Akuryo Taisan **

Special Items: Transformation pen,Venus Crystal, Crystal Change rod

Sailor Chibi Moon – Crystal Palace, Moon

Moon Prism Power, make up! (w/Prism Heart Compact) Transforms into Sailor Chibi moon
Moon Crisis, make up! (w/Chibi Moon compact & Sailor Moon) Transforms into Super Sailor Moon
Crisis, Make Up! (w/ Holy Grail) Transforms into Super Sailor Chibi Moon**
Pink Moon Crystal Power, make up! (w/Pink Moon Crystal) Transforms into Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon**

Luna P Henge
(w/ Luna P)
Pink Sugar Heart Attack (w/Pink Moon stick)
Twinkle Yell (w/ Crystal Carillon)
Double Sailor Moon Kick
Moon Gorgeous Meditation (w/Kaleidomoon Scope & Sailor Moon)
Supersonic Waves (w/odango covers)
Abracadabra Pon (w/Luna P) **
Moon Princess Halation (w/ Neo-Queen Serenity’s Cutie Moon Rod) **
Rainbow Double Moon Heartache (w/Pink Moon Stick, Spiral Heart Moon Rod & Sailor Moon)**
Pink Sugar Tuxedo Attack (w/ Pink Moon Stick & Tuxedo Mask) **
Submarine Mirror (w/ Sailor Neptune’s Deep Aqua Mirror) **
Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss (w/ Eternal Tiara & Sailor Moon) **
Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss (w/ Sailor Quartet) **

Special Items: Pink Moon Stick, Crystal Carillon, Kaleidomoon Scope, Pink Moon Crystal, Eternal Tiara, Luna -P, Pegasus Ball, odango covers, Prism Moon Heart compact, Chibi Moon compact, Holy Grail, time key


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