Throughout the G1 years in My Little Pony, Hasbro recycled several pony names, which have long been an irritation to collectors who feel they could have come up with something a little more original, had Hasbro just asked! That being said, this list includes only G1 pony “twins” (though some G1 names pop up in other generations) who are two separate ponies with the same names. In general, mother and baby ponies are not included as many are “baby versions” of adult ponies (ie: Moondancer/ Baby Moondancer).
Little Flitter: Little Flitter is a Summerwing Pony and also a Petite Pony who went with the Whinny Winks Inn.
Half Note/Baby Half Note: Half Note is both a Rockin’ Beats Pony and also a BBE Baby Pony that came with the Baby Bonnet School of Dance playset.
Puddles: Puddles is a Newborn Twin Baby Pony and also a Petite Pony from the Happy Hearts Cottage playset.
Morning Glory: Morning Glory is a Flutter Pony and also a Mail Order Birthflower Pony (September).
Stockings / Baby Stockings: Stockings is a Mail Order Christmas Pony and also the unofficial name for the Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Mail Order baby Christmas pony.
Princess Sparkle: There are three ponies answering to this name! First off is Princess Sparkle (known in the UK as Princess Amythest), then we have an international Princess Sparkle with a special light-up crown and lastly, the adorable Baby Princess Sparkle who came with her own Baby Buggy playset similar to Baby Cuddles’.
Cha Cha: Cha Cha is the name of the ponies’ llama friend and also the name of a Prom Queen Sweet Heart Sister Pony,
Salty: Salty is a big strapping Big Brother Pony and also a Sea Sparkle Baby Sea Pony.
Snookums: There are 3 Snookums running around- one is a Drink ‘n Wet Baby, the second is a Newborn Twin and the last is a Teeny Tiny Twin.
Sniffles: Three Sniffles prance through G1! The first two are Newborn Twins (Sticky and Sniffles, Sniffles and Snookums) and the third is a Teeny Tiny Twin.
Pink Dreams: Pink Dreams is a Flutter Pony from the Slumber Party Pack and also a Soft Sleepy Newborn.
Rattles and Tattles: Rattles and Tattles and Newborn Twins and Teeny Tiny Twins.
Misty: Misty is a Princess Pony, a Watercolour Baby Sea Pony and also a Petite Pony from the Mane Delight Beauty Shoppe playset.
Sky Rocket: Sky Rocket is both a Twinkle Eyed Pony and also a Sparkle Pony.
Sparkler: Sparkler is a Unicorn Pony, and a Merry Go Round Pony.
Glider/ Baby Glider: Glider is the name of a My Little Pony Dream Beauty Pony and Baby Glider is a Fancy Pants Baby Pony.
Baby Firefly: Baby Firefly is a Play and Care Baby Pony and also a Sparkle Baby Pony.
Stripes/Baby Stripes: Stripes is a Rainbow Curl Pony and Baby Stripe is a Pony Friends pony (with Baby Nectar the Panda).
Blue Bell/e: Blue Bell is a Flower Pony (EURO) and Blue Belle is an Earth Pony.
Ringlet/s: Ringlet is both a Great Hair Pony (EURO) and a Rainbow Curl Pony. Ringlets is a Brush ‘n Grow Pony.
Cuddles/ Baby Cuddles: Cuddles is a Magic Message Pony. Baby Cuddles is a Playset/BBE Baby Pony, a Drink ‘n Wet Baby Pony, AND a Surprise Newborn Baby Pony!
Twilight: Twilight is a So-Soft Pony and also a Unicorn Pony.
Sunbeam: One Sunbeam is a Unicorn Pony, the other is a Sundazzle Pony and the third is a Princess Pony.
Sea Breeze: Sea Breeze is a Sea Pony and also a Tropical Pony.
Sea Winkle/ Baby Sea Winkle: Sea Winkle is a Sea Pony and Baby Sea Winkle is a Watercolour Baby Sea Pony.
Wave Dancer/Baby Wave Dancer: Wave Dancer is a Sea Pony and Baby Wave Dancer is a Watercolour Baby Sea Pony.
Sea Light/ Baby Sea Light: Sea Light is a Sea Pony and Baby Sea Light is a Watercolour Baby Sea Pony.
Sea Shimmer: Sea Shimmer is a Baby Sea Pony and also a Mermaid Baby.
Sea Spray / Baby Sea Spray: Sea Spray is a Sea Pony and Baby Sea Spray is a Sea Sparkle Baby Sea Pony.
Sky Dancer: Sky Dancer is a Rainbow Pony and also a Windy Wing Pony.
Windy: One Windy is a Rainbow Pony and the other is a Magic Message Pony.
North Star/ Baby North Star: North Star is a So Soft Pony and Baby North Star is a Sparkle Baby Pony.
Baby Gusty: Baby Gusty is a Play and Care / BBE Baby Pony and the other is a Sparkle Baby Pony.
Starflower/ Baby Starflower: Starflower is a Rainbow Pony and Baby Starflower is a Sparkle Baby Pony.
Buttons: Buttons is a So-Soft Pony and also a Twice as Fancy Pony.
Fifi: Fifi is a So-Soft Pony and also a Twice as Fancy pony who came with the Perm Shoppe playset.
Magic Star: Magic Star is a So-Soft Pony and also a Petite Pony who came with the Royal Pony Palace playset.
Baby Bouncy: Baby Bouncy is a First Tooth Baby Pony and also a Newborn Surprise Pony.
Moondust: Both Moondusts are Princesses! One is a Petite Pony who came with the UK Royal Pony Palace and the other was part of the 2nd set of Princess Ponies in year 6.
Sweet Stuff/ Baby Sweet Stuff: Sweet Stuff is a Twinkle Eyed Pony and Baby Sweet Stuff is a Peek-a-Boo Baby Pony.
Cupcake/Lil Cupcake: Cupcake is a So-Soft Pony. Lil Cupcake is a Mail Order Baby Sister Pony.
Kingsley: Kingsley is a lion Pony Friend and also a Petite Pony who came with the UK Royal Pony Palace playset.
Floater: Floater is a Magic Message Pony and also a Petite Pony who came with the Twinkle Treats Ice Cream Shoppe.
Tabby/ Little Tabby: Tabby is a Happy Tails Pony and a Petite Pony who came with the Happy Hoofs Market playset. Little Tabby is a Teeny Tiny Pony.
Starburst: Starburst is a Princess Pony and also a Fancy Pants Baby Pony.
Sunnybunch/ Sunny Bunch: Sunnybunch is a Fancy Pants Baby Pony and a Merry-go-Round Pony.
Sundrop/ Sweet Sundrop: Sundrop is a Petite Pony from the Royal Pony Palace playset and Sweet Sundrop is a Sweetheart Sister Prom Queen Pony.