If you have additional items to contribute to the list or corrections to make please email at [email protected]
The Big My Little Pony Storybook – 8 stories. Cover art incl. Medley, Peaches, Twinkles, Posey, Spike, Majesty, Dream Castle.
My Little Pony Storybook. Cover art incl. Sunbeam, Posey, Mummy and Baby Blossom, Wavedancer (BHS, UK)
The Little Ponies and the Pixie Sea Pirates. Cover art incl. Baby Sea Shimmer, Baby Tiny Bubbles. By Mini World.
My Little Pony Pillow Book wipe-of pages. Cover incl. Lickety Split. (UK)
The Stolen Shadow. Cover art incl. Firefly, Applejack, Majesty
The Man in the Moon. Cover art incl. Sprinkles, Medley, Duck Soup
Spike and the Magic Shoes. Cover art incl. Majesty, Spike, Firefly, Sunlight
My Little Pony and the New Friends. Cover art incl. Firefly
The Cross Weather Witch. Cover art incl. Twilight
Lickety-Split and the Wood Sprites. Cover art incl. Lickety-Split, Glory, Firefly, Baby Glory. By Superstars (AUS?)
MLP Makes a Wish. Cover art incl. Spike, Gusty, Cotton Candy, Posey
MLP Fun in Ponyland “babyproof book”. Cover art incl. Glory, Tickles, Applejack, Show Stable (UK)
MLP A Problem for Baby Ponies. Cover art incl Baby Firefly, Baby Glory, Baby Moondancer, Baby Surprise (?). By Superstars (AUS?)
Guide Books
The World of My Little Pony: an unauthorized guide to pony collectibles by Debra L. Birge
My Little Pony Around the World Schiffer Collectors Book with Price Guide by Debra L. Birge
The My Little Pony G1 Collector’s Inventor by Summer Hayes (pre-1997 collectibles)
Colouring Books
My Little Pony Roll ‘n Colour 180 cm printed roll of colouring paper and magic window to colour and wipe off. Applejack, Bowtie, Seashell. By Jollycraft (UK)
My Little Pony Mini Colouring Book / Mini Malarbok. Cover art incl. Baby Heart Throb, Baby Moondancer, Spike. (Richters, Sweden)
MLP Pencil by Number 10″ pictures and 6 coloured pencils. Cover art includes Stripes. By Craft House
MLP Hide and Seek Coloring Book. Cover art incl. Megan, Firefly, Moondancer, Bowtie, Surprise
MLP Coloring and Activity Book. Cover art incl. Bubbles, Cotton Candy, Blossom. By Craft House
MLP Christmas Coloring Book. Cover art incl. Bubbles By Craft House
Zauberbilder Mein Kleines Pony rub-a picture book (Germany)
Comic Books
Covers of most MLP comics can be viewed at MYLITTLEWIKI.ORG
MLP Comics Nos 1- 233 (UK)
MLP Comics Spring Special 1986 (UK)
MLP Comics Summer Specials 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992 (UK)
MLP Comics Winter Special 1986 (UK)
My Little Pony and Friends comics Nos 1- 50 (UK)
MLP Storybook Verhalenboek (Holland)
MLP Omnibus Nos 1-4 (Holland)
MLP Junior Press Nos 1-36 (Holland)
Mio Mini Pony Il Giornale della Felicita Nos 1- 8 (Italy)
Mein Kleines Pony specials 1,2 (Germany)
Mein Kleines Pony comics 1987 Nos 1-12, 1988 Nos 1-12, 1989 Nos 1-12, 1990 Nos 1-12, 1991 Nos 1-12, 1992 Nos 1-12, 1993 Nos 1-12 (Germany)
Mon Petit Pony comics Nos 1-26 (?) (France)
MLP Comics 1990 Nos 1-2, 1991 (?) Nos 1-2, 1992 Nos 1-2 (Sweden)
MLP Comic Skrotis och Svararna comic storybook (Sweden)
MLP Comics 1988 Nos 1-2, 1989 Nos 1-4, 1990 Nos 1-4, 1991 Nos 1-4, 1992 Nos 1-6, 1993 Nos 1-4 (Finland)
Sticker Albums
Mein Kleines Pony Auf-Kleber sticker album and stickers. Cover art incl unk unicorn (Moondancer?) (Germany)
MLP Sticker Album by Panini (UK), also Argentina version w/ matching cover art. Cover art incl. Mummy and Baby Moondancer, Majesty, Peachy, Applejack, Spike, Twinkles, Lofty (?), Firefly, Baby Glory, Lemon Drop (?), Posey (?)
MLP Adventure Sticker Book w/1 sticker sheet
See and Hear sets
Lost in the Clouds book and cassette. Cover art incl. Firefly and Medley.
My Little Pony Adventure Book Listen ‘n Look w/ cassette, Hasbro
Listen ‘n Fun Ember’s Dream book w/cassette and Baby Ember pony (star cutie mark), Hasbro. Cover art incl. Baby Ember.
Den Fortrollade Regnbagen (The Magic Rainbow) book w/ cassette. Cover art incl. Blossom and Firefly. (Sweden)
The New Adventures of My Little Pony: Dancing Butterflies and the Bad-Tempered Butterfly w/cassette. Cover art incl. Dancing Butterfly (UK)
The Dance Recital w/cassette. Cover art incl. Ribbon, Cotton Candy, Heart Throb, Magic Star, Peachy, Shady. By KidStuff
Picnic at Paradise Estate w/cassette. Cover art incl. Sweet Stuff, Buttons, Cupcake, Shady. by KidStuff
MLP Annuals
1990 Annual. Cover art incl. Sundae Best ponies w/maypole. (UK)
1992 Annual. Cover art incl. Playschool Baby Ponies Baby Schoolbag, Baby Pictures, Baby Alphabet, Baby Count-a-Lot, Schoolhouse (UK)
1993 Annual/ Cover art incl. Raincurl, Baby Mischief, Play-time (UK)
1994 Annual. Cover art incl. Clover, Patch, Starlight
Annual (year?). Cover art incl. Applejack, Seashell, Bubbles, Twinkles, Cotton Candy
Mon Petit Poney sliding puzzle pink tray with Pinwheel and Duck Soup (France)
My Little Pony sliding puzzle pink tray with Glory by Sportstrading AG
My Little Pony sliding puzzle pale pink tray with Sunbeam and Brandy
My Little Pony sliding puzzle green tray wth Bowtie
Mein Kleines Pony / My Little Pony/ Mon Petit Pony sliding puzzle yellow tray w/ yellow and blue Peachy and pink Twinkles (Europe)
Mein Kleines Pony / My Little Pony/ Mon Petit Pony sliding puzzle pink tray w/ yellow and blue Peachy and pink Twinkles (Europe)
Starflower puzzle with small yellow castle (Sweden)
1984 3D tray puzzle w/ Dream Castle, Twilight
1984 3D tray puzzle w/ Firefly and Sunbeam
1984 3D tray puzzle w/Cotton Candy and Show Stable
Playskool wooden cut puzzle w/ Bowtie, Peachie and Twinkles
Playskool wooden puzzle w/Sprinkles and Duck Soup
Playskool wooden puzzle w/Baby Surf Rider, Baby Sea Star, Baby Splasher
Playskool wooden puzzle w/Spike and Majesty
10 pc puzzle w/ Skydancer and Firefly (Greece)
10 pc puzzle w/Majesty and Spike (Greece)
10 pc puzzle w/Peachy and Twinkles (Greece)
10 pc puzzle w/ Lemon Drop, Duck Soup, Baby Lemon Drop (?) (Greece)
12 pc puzzle cube with sea ponies Sand Dollar, Wave Jumper, Sea Breeze
24 pc Starlight Baby Ponies on clouds: Baby Stella, Baby Mischief, Baby Explorer (?) (UK?)
24 pc puzzle w/Peachy, Baby Cuddles and buggy, Twinkles
24 pc puzzle w/Twinkle Dancer, Posey Rose, Silky Slipper
24 pc puzzle w/ Summerwing ponies at beach: Sun Glider, Starry Wings, Whirley
24 pc puzzle Ponyland Film Festival w/ Baby Lucky Leaf, Baby Nectar, Baby Hoppy, Baby Pockets
24 pc puzzle w/Baby Sea Shimmer, Baby Tiny Bubbles, Baby Back Stroke
24 pc puzzle “Baby Pony” w/ Mummy and Baby Firefly in nursery
24 pc puzzle nursery scene with newborn twins
24 pc puzzle MLP/ Ma Petite Pouliche Mummy and Baby Glory (Canada)
35 pc puzzle w/ Bowtie, Show Stable, Peachy, Twinkles (Greece)
35 pc puzzle w/ Applejack (?), Spike, Bubbles (Greece)
35 pc puzzle w/Sweet Stuff, Applejack, Baby Lemon Drop, baby buggy, Dream Castle (UK?)
35 pc puzzle w/ Lullaby Nursery and Baby Lickety Split, Baby Gusty, Baby Lofty. Cover art incl Bowtie and Seashell. (UK)
60 pc puzzle with Baby Heartthrob, Baby Gusty, Baby Applejack in fancy dress having birthday party at Lullaby Nursery
60 pc puzzle w/ Shady jumping through hoop, Buttons, Surprise, Wind Whistler, Dream Castle
60 pc puzzle w/Show Stable, Ribbon, Snowflake, Lofty (Europe)
100 pc puzzle with TAF Milky Way, TAF Dancing Butterflies, TAF Up Up and Away, TAF Sweet Tooth, TAF Love Melody, Twins Rattles and Tattles having a picnic
100 pc puzzle w/ Firefly, Starflower, Peachy, Twinkles, Trickles, Tickle
100 pc Christmas Candy Cane Pony puzzle w/ gingerbread house, Sugar Apple, Lemon Treats, Molasses, Caramel Crunch, 1989
100 pc puzzle w/ Sprinkles, Bowtie, Peachy, Posey, Duck Soup
100 pc puzzle “Happy Birthday!” w/ Dream Castle, Medley, Truly, Majesty, Lofty, Spike, Heart Throb
100 pc puzzle Brush n Grow Princess Ponies: Princess Glittering Gem, Princess Skylark, Princess Brilliant Bloom, Princess Star Gleamer
100 pc puzzle Dance n Prance Ponies: D.J., Swinger, Songster, Tap Dancer
100 pc puzzle Dream Castle and parading Sweetheart Sister Ponies: Dainty, Wild Flower, Flowerburst, Frilly Flower
200 pc Flutter Ponies puzzle w/ Baby Glory, Baby Shady, Rosedust, Honeysuckle, Morning Glory, Peach Blossom, Lily
unk pc puzzle w/ Cherries Jubilee, Applejack, Baby Bowtie, Lickety Split, Show Stable
unk pc puzzle w/ Pink castle and forest, Majesty, Medley, Glory
Mon Petit Poney Hopscotch, Baby Ribbon, Paradise, Baby Tiddly Winks, Lullaby Nursery (France)
Mon Petit Poney Truly, Baby Lemon Drop and buggy, Sweet Stuff, Dream Castle (France)
Mon Petit Poney Paradise Estate, Posey, Megan and Sundance, Mummy and Baby Gusty, Ribbon, Paradise (?), Baby Sea Pony, Baby Shady (France)
Mon Petit Poney Lullaby Nursery, Baby Shady (France)
Mon Petit Poney La Chateau des Reves Dream Castle, Majesty, Glory (France)

Image property @whitneyMLP
Paper Dolls
Moondancer and Spike paper doll set w/yarn mane and tail by Warren
Glory and clothing Pusle Dukker (Sweden?)
Colour-your-own poster w/multiple marked and unmarked ponies, blank spaces to fill in pony names (Holland?)
Poster Art set with 4 big poster pictures, 6 solid colour crayons
My Little Pony the Movie theatrical poster
Sewing Items
Butterick Plush Pony pattern- Starshine
Lace and Trace lacing card set w/ Yum Yum, Barnacle, Lady Flutter, Princess Taffeta
Cardogan pattern w/ Sugarberry (Strawberry Fair), Love Melody w/ yarn tails, Cardogan pattern w/ Lickety-Split (?) & Posey by Wendy (UK)
Sweater pattern w/Up, Up and Away, sweater pattern w/ Applejack & Bowtie w/yarn tails by Wendy (UK)
Butterick MLP Christmas Ornament pattern incl. Glory, Firefly, Twilight, Blossom, Starshine, Cotton Candy, Lemon Drop, Moondancer, Sparkler
MLP print 16mm craft ribbon w/Posey and rainbows
Kvartettspel MLP card game w/ Starflower, Peachy, Confetti, Surprise (labeled as Tootsie), Lemondrop, Seashell, Medley and Firefly cards (box art includes Medley, Show Stable, Peachy and Duck Soup) by Karnan (Sweden)
Mi Pequeno Pony matching card game w/ Sundae Best ponies and maypole on box. (Argentina)
Picture Dominoes by Pic Toys LTD (UK)
My Little Pony GAME -matching game on a round blue base that spins to match ponies’ head/legs/body: Peachy, Applejack, Bubbles, Lemon Drop, Bowtie, Cottom Candy, Blossom, Seashell. By Peter Pan Playthings. (UK)
Woddington’s My Little Pony card game with 40 giant-size play cards. Box art incl Bowtie, Butterscotch, Blossom, Cotton Candy. (UK)
MLP Lotto (bingo) game by Karnan Spel. Box art incl. Peachy, Duck Soup, Glory, Firefly, Mummy and Baby Surprise (Holland?)